Regular Clubs
Tuesday Club
Tuesdays, 10.00am, Village Hall 01449 737264
Book Clubs
Reading Circle, first Tuesday, 10.00am, Village Hall 01449 737101
Chapter 2, first Wednesday, 2.30pm, members’ homes 01449 737168
Tai Chi
Tuesdays 11.30am to 12.30pm, Village Hall
£5 per class, beginners welcome 01449 736455
Tuesdays 6.30pm to 8.00pm, Village Hall
Wednesdays 9.30am to 11.00am 01449 736557
Bingo/Village Draw
Alternate Wednesdays 7.30pm, Village Hall 01449 736432
Circle Dancing
Thursdays 10.00 am to 11.30 am Village Hall
£6 per session 01284 70554
Community Choir : The Drinkstone Tones
Phone for details 01449 737101
Local History Group
Monthly, usually a Wednesday at 7.30pm, Village Hall 01449 737101
Phone for programme
Village Archiving Group
Most weeks on Fridays, 2-4 pm – phone for details. Contact Sheila 01449 737101
Drinkstone WI
Second Thursday 7.30pm, Village Hall 01449 736192
More information
SOZO Home Church
Fourth and fifth Sunday 10.30 am, Village Hall 07799 687731
Art Club
Fridays in term time 10.00am, Village Hall 01449 736314
Other activities
In addition to the regular activities, each year, there is typically: a Sale Trail, a Quiz, Harvest Supper, Remembrance Service, a Carol Service and a Christmas Coffee Morning of one sort or another, together with music and drama productions.