Management and Trustees

The Village Hall Trustees are responsible for all matters connected with the Village Hall. Following the Annual General Meeting of the Drinkstone War Memorial Institute and the subsequent Committee Meeting on Monday 10 th June 2024, the Drinkstone Village Hall Management Committee for 2024/25 is comprised as follows:


Sue FoulshamChair and Elected Trustee
Robin SharpVice-Chair and Elected Trustee
Nick HillTreasurer and Elected Trustee
Lesley CanhamSecretary and Elected Trustee
Lindi BelfieldElected Trustee
Sheila BeswickElected Trustee
Brenda Elphick Elected Trustee
Sue Goreham Elected Trustee
Lyn HannantElected Trustee
Sheila RichesElected Trustee
Christine Emery Representative Member for the Parish Council
Christine LambertRepresentative Member for the Parochial Church Council

Contact any member of the Committee by email to