
 A: Procedural Standing Orders Policies The Standing Orders govern how the council conducts its business. They are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm the council’s internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures, and procedural matters for meetings. They also confirm the statutory requirements to which the council is subject. More information

B: Financial Regulations PoliciesThe Financial Regulations are one of the three governing documents which provide guidance for members and officers.  They regulate and control the financial affairs and accounting procedures of the council. They contain most of the requirements relevant to the Responsible Financial Officer.Financial Regulations

 C: Code of Conduct for District and Parish Councillors

Local Authorities are required to adopt a Code of Conduct which sets out rules governing the behaviour of their Members and satisfies the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. All elected, co-opted and independent Members of local authorities, including Parish Councils, are required to abide by their own, formally adopted, Code. The Code of Conduct seeks to ensure that Members observe the highest standards of conduct in their civic role. For the principles of the Code of Conduct click on this link Seven general principles of conduct

 D: Freedom of Information – Policies

The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office and to publish information covered by the scheme. The following policies and procedures govern how the council makes information available to parishioners and others.

 E: Complaints Policyclick  Complaints

 F: Media Policyclick Media

 G: Allotment Management Policyclick Allotment Management Policy

 H: Other Policies and Procedures