2017 Christingle

Me, You and Breakfast 2 in December was all about Christingle. Ruth talked us through the meaning of the Christingle, then we all made our own. We wrote prayers on Christingle shapes, carefully lit our Christingles and had a jolly good sing! No breakfast this month but we made up for it with doughnuts (round like the Christingle, with red (jam) in the middle like the blood shed by Jesus), choc chip brioche and loads of different cakes. See how it went! Photos

2017 Christmas Coffee Morning

All Saints 2017 Christmas Coffee Morning took place on Wednesday 29th November at Rookery Farm, courtesy of Janet and Steve, who had moved there in the last couple of years and were in the process of putting their stamp on the old house.
It was a cold day, with lots of sleet just as people were arriving. Our lovely host Steve, popped down the Village Hall car park where people were leaving their cars and ferried people up to the house. What a gentleman! Inside the house, it was warm and cosy, and fully decorated for Christmas by our equally lovely hostess, Janet. What a wonderful start to the festive season! Gifts and goodies, decorations, all manner of cakes, raffles, a quiz, fantastic refreshments all contributed to a very successful morning. Christine Lambert was on hand to demonstrate three amazing displays – one as the first prize in the raffle, one as a gift for our hostess and one more that was auctioned. Christine was delighted to be the winner of the Christmas Cake beautifully made by Maggie Beveridge. To win, you had to correctly guess the number of raisins in the cake and the winning ans
wer was 397. 

The amount raised for All Saints Church will be over £1,000 once the quiz has finished. Fantastic result, with our grateful thanks to everyone who contributed in any way.

Check out the photos.

Me, You and Breakfast 2 – Jesus walks on water

Me, You and Breakfast 2 in November was all about the story of Jesus walking on water. Jesus was able to walk on water (after all, he is a miracle worker!) and invited Peter to join him. All was well until Peter noticed the wind and the waves and took his attention off Jesus. The message was simple – keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and he will keep you safe. Now, what activities could we do to match that? We wrote prayers asking for Jesus’  help to do just that. We made a collage which enabled Jesus to be moved so he ‘walked’ on water, which went down well. Then we did actually try to ‘walk on water’. Well, it was a thick cornflour mixture which moved and felt liquid when you put your hands in it, but when you stamped on it, it went solid and supported you! Great fun, if a bit messy…. It was also Bonfire Night so as a nod to that, we made bonfire cakes.

2017 Harvest Supper report

This year 64 people sat down to Harvest Supper, using the traditional long table layout. We keep to this tradition because it encourages conversation and sharing with people you might not normally sit with, and is hopefully as inclusive as the Christian way should be.

The welcome drink of a Harvest Cup with local fruits in it (Sangria by any other name!) went down well, as did the food by all accounts. Someone wanted to ‘bag’ seconds of the meringue dessert before they had even finished the first! There was a real ‘buzz’ in the room that evening. 

This an annual event is arranged by All Saints Church but is not just for churchgoers and as ever, it was a healthy mix of church and community, young and old, newcomers to the village and parishioners of many years standing. 

We could not put on a Harvest Supper involving cold meat, poached salmon, vegetarian turnovers, warm new potatoes, five different quiches, four different salads, choice of four puddings, plus cheese and biscuits, coffee/tea and mints, without the support and input of many people who organised, shopped, baked, helped on the night, donated, created flower displays, paid money to attend and bought raffle tickets. And our grateful thanks are extended to them all. Speaking of the raffle, we tried to make it food/drink related with the emphasis on Harvest – and didn’t you all turn up trumps! We were overwhelmed by the generosity of people in the produce and other food and drink items donated. Just take a look at the photos!

This wonderful evening also raised £715 for the work of All Saints Church. 



Baptism of Frankie Relf 30th July 2017

Frankie Relf was baptised on this day in the service at All Saints, surrounded by family and friends, and well wishers from both churches in the Benefice. Frankie, and his older brother Archie were so good all the way through! Perhaps looking forward to the cakes…. Wonderful day, and lovely to welcome Frankie into God’s family. Few photos here.

A Summer Concert 8th July

Saturday 8th July 2017

A Summer concert

Despite a smaller audience than usual with so many on holiday, the varied performances were enjoyed by those who came.

Check out the photos here.


Open Gardens 2017

Saturday 17th June

Fabulous weather, huge numbers of visitors, delicious refreshments, an amazing plant stall and 17 wonderful gardens to visit. What a recipe—and it made for a great day. Grateful thanks to every garden owner for all that weeding, hoeing, dead heading and patio washing, and to the huge team of helpers without whom we simply could not function. We believe we are looking at around £1,400 for the work of All Saints. Click here for the photos and descriptions.

MYB2 June 4th – the Baptism Service

Me, You and Breakfast 2 on June 4th saw the christening of two of our lovely girls, Abby and Caroline, and a blessing for Caroline’s older sister, Lorelai, who didn’t remember her christening! We sang songs, decorated doves to remind us that the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove when Jesus was baptised, and all the children wrote a prayer for each of Abby and Caroline to go in their own special box. There were also three birthdays to celebrate which called for a lot of singing and plenty of cake. It was a very joyful, special and most of all, meaningful occasion. With grateful thanks to Ruth for producing such a wonderful service, to all those who came to support the girls on their special day, served breakfast, helped with the activities, clear up, eat cakes and celebrate everything that is good about Me, You and Breakfast 2. Check out the photos