Bells presentation


Friday 23rd  February 2024 at 7pm – Drinkstone Village Hall

Ringing the Changes: an intriguing look into the world of Bell Ringing”

Neal Dodge, the Suffolk Guild of Ringers Publicity Officer, is giving this talk to help publicise the Drinkstone Bell Restoration project. 

Refreshments will be available afterwards. Whilst the talk is primarily for non-ringers, Neal is an acknowledged expert on local bell history, so there should be something for everyone. 



 There is no charge for this event but there will be a retiring collection in aid of the project. 

For any further details contact: Nigel Gale on 07751 765675 or

Third Sunday service and sausages


Sunday 18th February 2024 at 9:00am

This is not your usual sort of service!

We start at the back of the church for a socialble breakfast – this month, sausages and proper coffee, and probably fruit…

This is for anyone and everyone!

Breakfast is followed by a Bible reading and a very informal discussion on what it might mean for us, or how it could help us. There could be some singing too. And coffee refills. 

2019 Carol Service

The Carol Service is always a memorable occasion, with the ‘Ahhhh’ moments usually being provided by the children’s Nativity tableau – but we did something different this year.

The story was about a dog who wanted to give something special to Jesus. He thought he could join the angels maybe, or the shepherds, or perhaps the kings. But it was clear that none of these were going to be possible – for some rather hilarious reasons. In the end, he decide to just be himself and do what dogs do so well; he curled up at the Baby Jesus’ feet and kept him warm.  And that’s what we need to do – be ourselves and do what we can. As the Carol puts it: ‘Yet what I can I give him, give my heart’.

The children were asked to come dressed as their favourite animal, which lent itself to an excellent photo opportunity, which included two brave adults…

As in other years, we managed to put together a scratch four part choir, accompanied by the very clever Calvin on keyboard, and the amazing Astrid on oboe, which according to the congregation, sounded really rather super.

We had mulled wine and mice pies afterwards, along with flapjacks and assorted  cakes.


2019 Harvest

The weekend started with the annual Harvest Supper,  which took place without a hitch. Many folk said it was the best ever. Indeed the atmosphere was fantastic; and new choices for the vegetarian option had the meat eaters clamouring to try them too. The generosity of many produced the best raffle ever (if a little embarrassing when one of the organising  team won the first prize…). Unfortunately, the photos that were taken have been lost…

On the Sunday, at the Harvest Service— the decorations were amazing, as ever, despite the scaffolding in the chancel. Numbers were swelled because it was a Benefice Sunday. Practical goods were collected for the Bury Women’s Refuge, and a monetary collection went to the Bahamas Relief appeal. Displays here.


2019 Murder Mystery

What an evening! ‘Champagne Moments’ was set in 1953, seven years after the 2018 event. Rev’s Ruth excelled herself with this script, combining lots of fifties references (some laugh out loud moments here) and even more references back to previous Mysteries.

He knack of bringing back ‘murdered’ characters is second to none, all the while  finding a way to refer to missing characters who had booked a holiday at just the wrong time and ingenious ways of bringing in new characters to accommodate new people clamouring to be in the cast.

And this time, Dr Will (already a murderer who got away with it) was the one who was murdered. Deserved it too! How will she bring him back next year? And Mrs Tate Lyle – who shot him inn cold blood? We can’t wait.

Sorry there are so many photos!

2018 Carol service

The 2018 Carol service was as well attended as ever. This time, we were fortunate to have a Drinkstone family who had a very new baby (albeit female) to be our holy family. Thank you Ben and Georgina!  The theme was ‘Follow the Star’, with an imagining that animals could see the star, while adults could not. So the donkey saw it and followed it to Bethlehem, other animals came, too. The shepherds and angels then arrived. We didn’t have a child who wanted to be a donkey (total free choice!) but wonderful Stuart stepped into the breach.  The now traditionaL carol singers were joined by more new voices, plus a wonderful oboe playing the descant melodies. See the photos

2018 Christingle comes to MYB2

Me, You and Breakfast 2 falls on the first Sunday; the first Sunday in December is traditionally a Christingle service. So, we did a mash-up of both to quote modern music parlance! We sat in pews, like a service, but there was lots of movement around church. Ruth talked us through the meaning of the Christingle, then we all moved to the craft tables to make our own. We came back to sing the Christingle song with a veritable orchestra of percussion instruments. Back to the tables to write prayers on Christingle shapes, thinking about on who or where we would like Jesus’ light to shine. Then we carefully lit our Christingles and had another jolly good sing! Refreshments went down well with doughnuts (round like the Christingle, with red (jam) in the middle like the blood shed by Jesus), choc chip brioche and Christmas cup cakes. See how it went! Photos